Network Bogota Endorses Wireless Batlle of the Mesh 2019 – France
Posted on: 26 junio, 2019, by : leonardotaborda


Network Bogotá supports this year’s “Wireless Battle of the Mesh – Building Community Networks for Fun and Non-Profit”.

The event aims to bring together people from across the globe who are interested in community networks, including wireless mesh network technologies, fiber infrastructure, Do-It-Yourself Internet Access Providers, and more generally how to create and maintain a thriving community of people involved in building their own networks.

We envision 7 days full of expert presentations, practical workshops, late-night hacking sessions, and fruitful discussions: whether you are a mesh networking enthusiast, community networking activist, protocol developer, or have an interest in networking in general, come and join the event!

Thanks to generous sponsors, the battlemesh is free of charge and open for all, and every year the local organization team strives to keep participation costs low by negotiating deals for accommodation and food.

This year, the event will take place from Monday 8th to Sunday 14th of July, 2019 in Saint-Denis (Paris), France. The event is locally organized.
Check out continuously updated information about the event at

Network Bogotá endorses and supports “Wireless Battle of the Mesh – Building Community Networks for Fun and Non-Profit” not only for the efforts made by its community to advance the field of wireless mesh networking and foster the development of grass-roots community networks, but for their contribution to digital freedom rights movement, empowerment of peoples tech/net/media competency and a free and open civil society.

Network Bogotá will support the event by: 
help to promote the event 


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